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Climate change & Health INNOVation Hub for West & Central Africa (CHINNOVA)

Join us in preserving marine ecosystems for a sustainable future

About Us

Climate change and Health INNOVation hub for West and Central Africa (CHINNOVA) is a network of networks to strengthen the resilience of health systems to climate change in West and Central Africa, a region severely affected by climate-sensitive diseases and disorders. The hub will address this challenge by improving data availability, fostering interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaborations, and building the capacity of the health workforce to anticipate and respond to the outbreak of diseases and disorders related to climate change.

Vision, Goals, and Objectives

The Climate-Health INNOVation Hub for West and Central Africa (CHINNOVA) seeks to become a strong network of networks at the intersection of climate change and health that supports the resilience of health systems to climate change. The specific objectives (SOs) of the CHINNOVA project are to:


improve the participation of individuals, organisations, and networks in the design, implementation, assessment, and dissemination of solutions for climate-resilient health systems, while fostering interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaborations on climate change and health.


increase the availability of disaggregated and inter-sectoral climate change and health data that are interoperable and openly accessible, allowing research and the scientific community to anticipate the complex intersections between ecosystems, animal and human health.


Strengthen health systems’ anticipation and response capacity to outbreaks of climate-sensitive diseases and disorders by integrating epidemic, bioclimatic, and artificial intelligence (AI) modelling


Support the health system workforce to fully integrate gender equality and inclusion responding measures to climate-induced health risks and shocks, and equip it with contextualised, robust and equity-based knowledge, systems, and networks.


close knowledge gaps through training and capacity building of researchers, grassroots organisations, civil society organisations, local communities in the design and implementation of climate change research and innovative solutions for climate-resilient health systems.

What We Do

Highlighting the importance of ocean conservation efforts, showcasing key projects, and outcomes.

Research and Innovation

Showcasing ongoing research projects, technological innovations to ocean preservation.

Clean Water for All

A Global Initiative

Through extensive research and collaboration with local communities and marine scientists, we’ve developed a comprehensive approach to coral.


Current Initiatives & Projects

Coastal Cleanup

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $250,000

Marine Education

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $50,000

Habitat Restoration

Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.

Goal: $150,000

Join Us in the Journey to Revive and Protect These Underwater Wonderlands for Future Generations.

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